Step #05 - Sorting the Components

Step #05 - Sorting the Components

List of Components to Keep

 Alu Profile 3030 240mm222
 Alu Profile 6060830mm31-
 Alu Profile 60601230mm-23
 Table Frame (assembled)-111
 Stepper MotorNema23444
 Motor Cable-444
 Cable Chain + End Connectors500mm1--
 Cable Chain + End Connectors900mm121
 Cable Chain + End Connectors1300mm--1
 Emergency Stop Button-111
 Probing Device-111
 AMB Spindle-111
 AMB Holder-111
 Interface Unit-111
 Power Cable (Control Unit)-111


  1. Remove all the remaining screws or sliding nuts from the aluminium profiles.
    1. Remove the screws and spacers from the steppers motor assemblies.
      1. Keep the main frame structure fully assembled.
        1. Keep the motor cables and check if they are still in good condition.
          1. Keep the cable chains and the end connectors (male and female).
            1. Keep the emergency stop and the probing device.
              1. Keep the AMB spindle and its support (unless you bought a 2.2kW VFD Spindle add-on).
                1. Keep the interface unit (unless you purchased an Expandable Interface Unit add-on).
                  1. Keep the control unit power cable.
                    Now is a good time to verify the main frame structure is well square. Don't hesitate to take 10 minutes to measure the frame and correct any misalignments.