1. Collecting pipe

 Step #01 Assembling the Collecting Pipe

List of Components

 Pipe 90° connectionØ90mm2
 Pipe T connectionØ90mm3
 Pipe ReductorØ90-50mm4
 Pipe sectionØ50mm - 80mm8
 Guillotine valve/4


  1. Slide the first T-pipe-connector in the 90° connector.
    1. Slide the second T-connector in the first T-connector.
      1. Do the same for the third T-connector.
        1. Slide the second 90° connector.
          1. Place the four pipe reductors.
            1. Insert four pipe sections in the pipe reductors.
              1. Place the four guillotine valves on the pipe sections.
                1. Insert the last four pipe sections in the guillotine valves.
