Laser on Evo

Step #09 - Configuring the Laser Adapter

List of Components


Tools needed

From July 2024, we deliver the new version of the PLH3D-CNC Adapter. It is already configured with the Mekanika settings. To verify or change the settings, refer to page 17 of the manual of the adapter :
  1. The first time you turn on your adapter, verify the settings are set correctly on the Adapter PRO from Optlasers.
    1. Press and hold the button while turning the key switch ON.
      1. Hold the button for at least 3 seconds till the progress bar is filled.
        1. Select your CNC machine : Mekanika, and press enter.
          1. Turn the knob once to display the "enter" below the "Advenced?" line
            1. Verify the Settings are set to EN1 = LOW and EN2 = HIGH. If it is not the case, turn the knob to display this configuration and validate with "next".
              1. On the error detection settings, choose "disconnection".
                1. On the Status Input settings, choose "ignored" as the connector of the XT50 laser has only 5 wires. If you install a XT8 Laser, choose "watched".
                  1. Now you'll have the possibility to save and exit the settings configuration or start again.
