7. Machine Launch
Step #03 - Running your First G-code
Download the G-code.
- Load the G-code. to your USB key .
- Attach the endmill to the mandrel, tighten using the spanner .
- Take out the Z-probe, place it on the spoilerboard - then press on the " measure tool length" button.
- Move the machine to the work area, place the workpiece.
- Press the “Open G-code” button to load the G-code in the program.
- Move the machine to the bottom left corner of the workpiece.
- Press the "XY zero" button to define this position as the working origin.
- Set the spindle speed on 5, then turn the spindle ON.
- Press the "PLAY" button.
- Once finished, move the machine away and turn off the spindle (if it's a manual one).
- Turn off the machine via the screen. Then switch off the control unit.