7. Machine Launch

Step #03 - Running your First G-code

Tools Needed

Spanner 17mm

  1. Download the G-code.
    1. Load the G-code. to your USB key .
    2. Attach the endmill to the mandrel, tighten using the spanner .
    3. Take out the Z-probe, place it on the spoilerboard - then press on the " measure tool length" button.
    4. Move the machine to the work area, place the workpiece.
    5. Press the “Open G-code” button Artboard 1 to load the G-code in the program.
      1. Move the machine to the bottom left corner of the workpiece.
      2. Press the "XY zero" xyzero button to define this position as the working origin.
        1. Set the spindle speed on 5, then turn the spindle ON.
        2. Press the "PLAY" button. play
          1. Once finished, move the machine away and turn off the spindle (if it's a manual one).
          2. Turn off the machine via the screen. Then switch off the control unit.