9. Cable Management

Step #07 - Connecting the Limit Sensors

List of Components

ItemSpecQty (S/M/L)
 Sensor cable3 pins / black6

Tools needed



  1. Connect each sensor to its respective cable.
    1. As shown in the drawing above, the color code used with the motors will help you to identify which cable belongs to which axis. Since there are 2 cables for the X and Y axes, pay attention to the cable lengths.
      1. The X+ cable has to be inserted inside the cable fixture, all along the X-axis (see picture below). This will prevent the cable from falling during machine movements.
        • X- = axis 1 negative limit (shorter cable)
          • X+ = axis 1 positive limit (longer cable)
            • Y1- = axis 2 negative limit (shorter cable)
              • Y1+ = axis 2 positive limit (longer cable)
                • Z+ = axis 3 positive limit
                  • Y2- = axis 4 negative limit


                    To fully secure the cable to the sensor, you have to also screw the ring (see picture below).